Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Creative Story

Jackson Wolf
Language arts
Creative Story
It was a windy day when the man crossed the road and went to the bus station. He was old. About 65 years old by the looks of him. He was injured badly, a couple weeks ago, an accident happened on the third floor in a apartment building 2 or 3 blocks away from my house. What happened was he was waiting on the 3rd floor for his wife and kids. You know those stairs that have the space between them, when all of a sudden, he fell in between that space and fell all the way to the ground floor. I heard they had to replace one of his arms with a robotic one, because that arm, the right arm to be exact, was too badly injured to heal. So they replaced with a robot arm. Man, I wish I had a robot arm. That would be awesome. After wards, he was rushed to the hospital. He was in there for months. I’m surprised he lived anyways, now he’s alive. Hopefully(I doubt it) he’ll recover from his injuries, and live a normal life.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Alright, I am going hunting Again! But this time, we are going after a Doe. Also, My little sister is now 4 months old! Happy One month B-day! Also, this is the first blog of November. Wish a happy one month B-day to my little sister!