Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jackson Wolf
Language Arts
Intro (Redo)
Do you know what it's like to know the experience of moving every month? People can read about this in the story “The Circuit, by Francisco Jimenez”. Some people have been saying that this story isn't tragedy. Well, I'm going to prove them wrong. So, I will be showing you how this story is clearly, tragedy.
One thing for sure this is tragedy, it takes place in winter. A symbolism of tragedy. Also there’s a rise to power, and there’s a death symbolism in the end is when Panchito comes home and finds out just as he’s making new friends with his English teacher (Which is his only friend...), he sees that they’re moving again.
Now for how the story fits the plot line in season. First of all it takes place at the beginning of winter (Like I said before, a symbolism of tragedy.) when Panchito and his family move. Him and his brothers and sisters are concerned, but move anyways.
This relates to my family always moving. It's stressful, full of sadness. I lose a lot of friends during the process. This is just like.....

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