Friday, April 15, 2011

Childhood Memories Episode 2: What the Duck?

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Amazing Childhood Memories Series. Enjoy!

So I'm at home, enjoying a new episode of Spongebob on January 3rd, 2006. And then my Dad comes up to me. He tells me in a few days were doing something Special. It turns out that special day started at 5:00 am. And we get in my dad's SUV. I don't know where we were going until I saw the Off Ramp for The Milwaukee International Airport. I didn't know why we were going there. Until dad showed me our Airline ticket to Florida. I was cheering. Screaming. And I was Laughing cause my Sister didn't come. So then we wait in the Airport for about maybe a good 45 min. Then we got on the plane. And all of a sudden, I look out my window. I see a Duck on the wing of the plane. And as we were moving, so was the duck. Once we went on the final Runway to take off, We go super fast, and the Duck is still sitting there. Finally it takes off, so does the duck. That duck tried to keep up, but he couldn't. Then once we land, after getting off the plane. What happens is, I stayed in the Airport for like an hour getting things for our trip. Once we got our things, I look at the plane, and guess what. I see a Duck, land on the Wing off the exact same plane! And then I thought, "What the Duck?". We left the Airport to see my Nana. After that we stayed at her house for a week. Then, before we left, we went to Sea World. I was becoming friends with dolphins. And when I was feeding them, a Pelican comes, biting my hand, taking my fish, and I almost lost a finger because of that bird. It was just terrible!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Button, necklace, balloon, straw, puzzle piece, and toothpick.


One day little Jackson Wolf was walking down the street with his lucky necklace he was at a ski resort when his lucky necklace got caught on the ski lift he was dragged up the ski lift by his necklace he could not breath. He cut his lucky necklace off with his spare puzzle piece, he started to roll down the hill but he got caught by the ski lift again. And began his journey up the hill did I mention that Jackson Wolf is very unlucky. Back to the story, he got to the top of the hill he stood up and landed in bear scat. He was not happy suddenly a balloon came flying and hit him he started to roll down the hill. He hit his head on a rock and was sent to Narnia where he lived his days as a toothpick maker. His only weapon was a fork that was missing all of the points. He could only afford a button because he got sued by the lion for trespassing on his property. He tried to get back to reality by smashing his head on a rock repeatedly but this only sent in to emergency care. After he got out of emergency care he could not pay the bill so he got sued again for not paying the bill and stabbing a doctor with a straw. He was sent to jail and roomed with the ice witch who had BO. Jackson Wolf was fed up with Narnia so he woke up and was laying by the rock that he hit his head on he got up and saw there was a hair clip stuck to his nose he got it off and threw it but a police officer saw the whole thing and sent him to jail for littering and possession of illegal bear scat. He got out of jail and became known as the litter bug and lived his life in a trash can rooming with the ice with that had bad gas and warts. He died by being beat up by the sesame street characters.