Friday, June 3, 2011

Writing Circle Piece: Weekly Schedule

At home, I would wake up at 6:00 (Sucks doesn't it?) and get up. Then I get in the Shower, and take 5 min, but I realize that I've been in there for 20 min. I get out, get dressed, watch some Family Guy. Next I eat some good Tasty Waffles. Then I go to the bathroom, brush my hair, teeth, and put on Deodorant, then grab my stuff. And finally leave. I walk up to School which takes 5 min. Then I go through 6 hours of it. Then I come home, do my Homework, go outside, shoot squirrels / Chipmunks. Finally My sister gets home (We hate each-other). Finally I go to bed, get some sleep, and then the Process begins again.

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