Monday, March 19, 2012

My Independant Piece

Jackson Wolf


Language Arts

The Mona Lisa

Part 1: Discovery

Out in the vast space, a ship similar to that of a hawk, the wings are made up of small long rectangular pieces bent at a 15 degree angle; the front panel of the plane appears to be a Concorde with its long nose. The back is that of a F-22 Jet, with smaller wings sticking out the left and right sides, splitting into two more wings on each side. Blue lights covering the large ship made it seem like a light show. Scouring through the debris of Halo, it’s vast debris field covering thousands of miles, the ship steadily going through the chaos from the explosion of the majestic ring world.

“Captain” Sergeant Alison asked, “We just recovered a civilian escape pod in the debris field. “Tell me you aren’t joking,” he said in a surprised tone. “How in god’s name does a civilian life boat end up in this, mess”. A holographic image, of what seemed to be a greek god, or something out of a comic book. “Hmm, even if it was from a ship, how is it here? If it were from the colonies, it would’ve take hundreds of years to arrive here. Sergeant, take your squad down there maybe you can find if anyone is inside, if that is the case at least”

“Dang,” the corporal said, “Thing looks beaten up”. “Corporal open the hatch” The sergeant said. As he did with caution, the crew pulled out their weapons, an assault rifle, a pistol, and two battle rifles, sleek with design. As the hatch opened, blood dripped form the opening door, like a garage door in the heavy rain. When they looked inside, they saw a man in a orange shirt and pants, a glowing sword sticking out of his chest like a grotesque growth, and a pool of blood surrounding him. “Sergeant!” the marine said. He pointed to the barcode on the back of his neck.

“A prisoner?” The sergeant exclaimed “Get our captain down here ASAP!” She yelled. A monitor opened up a few seconds later on the wall above. ‘What’s going on?” “Sir” replied the sergeant, a prison pod. A cough was heard then from the pod. “Was that from the prisoner?” They run up to the pod,guns ready. The sergeant walked up to the pod, “What is your name?” she asked “*Cough* Uhhh….. J-J-John” he replied, “Hey are you those, UNSC guys” The sergeant stared at the man drenched in blood.

“Where did you come from?” Another wetting cough came out, “Wha--I—don’t remember” “What is the name of your ship, where were you before?” She asked in a serious tone. “You d-d-don’t want to know, if you do YOU WILL ALL *Cough* *Cough*” “TELL ME the name of Your Ship” “Sergeant” the private yelled, “Biosigns are failing” The prisoner was breathing hard. “I am not going to say it again what is the name of your ship?” He breathed once, twice, then faintly said, with his last breath.

“The Mona…..Lisa….”

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