Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Part two of the story The Mona Lisa

Jackson Wolf


Language Arts

The Mona Lisa

Part II: Search Party

Recap: “Captain” Sergeant Alison asked, “We just recovered a civilian escape pod in the debris field. “Tell me you aren’t joking,”…….. “Dang,” the corporal said, “Thing looks beaten up”. “Corporal open the hatch”…. Inside, a man in a orange shirt and pants, and a pool of blood surrounding him. “Sergeant!” the marine said…. “A prisoner?” …….The Sergeant asked “What is your name?” she asked “*Cough* Uhhh….. J-J-John” he replied………“What is the name of your ship, where were you before?” She asked in a serious tone. “You d-d-don’t want to know, if you do YOU WILL ALL *Cough* *Cough*” “TELL ME the name of Your Ship” “Sergeant” the private yelled, “Biosigns are failing”…… “What is the name of your?” He breathed once, twice, then faintly said, with his last breath.

“The Mona…..Lisa….”

“…You and your squad should send a search party for this ship, find some answers” the holographic figure said. “Sir we have a blip on the radar” The admiral said. “What is it?” The captain said in a calm tone. “Large sir, not human- -” “Covenant?” The captain asked, knowing obviously that it is Covenant. “Yes sir, large CCS cruiser” The sergeant walked up to deck. “Do you think that Covenant ship and the Prison ship are linked, the prisoner’s wounds show 3rd degree burns and two puncture wounds, The medic is saying it’s from a energy sword. “The co-ordinates from the Mona Lisa show the ship being 150 kilometers away, there is no way that they are linked or…” The Captain walked over to the A.I. and whispered something. Holographic files appeared on the console. As he looked through the reports, he stopped at the last one “Of course, that CCS ship is out there because that prison ship, has a, mix of prisoners”

The sound of thrusters filling the Hangar bay as the pilot flipped the switches on the console. “Alright, let’s go, we are on minimal fuel here, I’m droppin you guys off and I’m out, I’ll have to come back in about 30 mikes. Let’s ride!” The clicking of rifles and checking magazines filled the small ship as it flew out of the Titanium A 5 inch armor and into the vastness of space. “Sergeant, what the Captain said, there are Covenant on the Prison ship, and how?” “I don’t know corporal, but they have no weapons on the ship. Be careful, they are Elites” “ELITES!?” The corporal exclaimed. “Oh man, we are screwed” “They have no weapons and we do, and no armor, and we do, killing them will be a breeze” The rumbling of the ship stopped. “Alright, this is our stop, give ‘em what they asked for” She said. A loud Hooah from the marines filled the ship as the door hissed open. They exited the small craft and as soon as the last man stepped off, the door shut. And they were on their own.

“Kick some butt down there guys” the pilot said through the comm, as the ship exited the entrance bay of the ship. “Alright guys, keep your heads on tight, ‘cause were about to go into the ship’s main walkway. “Corporal, move up!” As he went for the door, the speaker in the sergeants headphones screamed with frequency, and a voice of a woman came through,”Who is this!” Yelled the Sergeant “They destroyed the ship, I’m hit I’m coming in for a landin- -” Static went through the mic. As they looked back at the hangar bay, a flaming ship, the horse they rode on, is ablaze. “Get out of the hangar bay NOW!!” They all ran, like birds flying from a crocodile in the water. They got through the door. The lights went out as the ship crashed into the power system. “Crap! Lost all power!” “Gah, another bad intrusion” As they turned on their lights, the 7 foot tall elites already had ‘em. “GAHHHH!!” Screamed the private and the Gunnery sergeant yelled, they dropped their weapons as the Elites had ‘em at the throat. Their lights broke, the crew was in darkness. Only one window light up, and that was the one with their ship Aegis Fate ablaze, split in two

They were never heard from again.

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