Thursday, May 19, 2011

Childhood Memories Episode 3: Uncle Paul

Uncle Paul, boy oh boy was he the greatest, he took me everywhere. From a restraunt, to quarries. Which is where this memory will take place, at the quarry. When we first got in his truck, I saw that he had a huge bucket in the back. I didn't know what it was doing here (You'll find out later). Anyways, we arrived, and took this woodland trail through the quarry. When I would talk to him, he would tell me to be quiet, I don't know why though, we where in the middle of the woods, it didn't matter. But then he told me to stop. I froze, like a dog listening to its trainer.
Then he sprang from the trail, started sprinting into the woodlands, in front of him, the leaves moved, as if there was something in them, he jumped, and landed. He reached into the leaves, and pulled out what seemed to be a rope. But it was shiny, green and black. He grabbed it started walking back, the rope moved though, then I realized, that ropes don't hiss or have mouths. It was a snake. I LOVED reptiles ever since I learned about dinosaurs. Oh man, I loved them. Even in Florida, the routine would be the same. Eat breakfast, catch Lizards, eat Lunch, catch Lizards, eat Dinner, catch Lizards. Back to the story. He gave it to me, it tried to bite me, I took a step back, and then it calmed. Just slithering all over my body.
Then we got in the truck, put it in the bucket, and took it home. I kept it for a while. My mom freaked out. My dad though loved it too. We had an old fish tank with the gravel still in it. I took that out of the Garage, and used it as Snakies new home (I named him that). The after a while, we decided to let him go at Pewaukee lake. I never forgot him. Then one day, at pewaukee beach in 2010, July 15th (How do I know this still?!?) I saw alot of grass snakes. I thought oh my god that must be Snakies babies. I was so happy. I put them back in the brush, where they were nice and cool from the sun. I still remember those events to this day

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