Monday, December 12, 2011

Point of View Piece

War Comes to Willy Freeman

War comes to Willy freeman, what is it about?

An African-American teenager's life dramatically changes in the late 1700s during the American Revolutionary War. One terrible day, Willy Freeman watches her father die in a battle while fighting on the American side, and when she returns home, her mother is missing. Dressed in an outfit that makes her look like a boy, she sets off on a journey towards New York City, because she believes that British soldiers may have taken her mother there.

Willy Freeman is the main character as most people know, and is the story’s point of view. The book is about Willy Freeman’s point of view of several events, and also from this perspective the events are described in a way that is very, realistic, or let’s say graphic, or literal. A way the main character’s point of view (Willy Freeman) that really influences the reader’s interpretation is how this point of view shows when for example when Willy’s father dies, she puts things down to detail, like if someone were to describe a certain event this is how she did it.

But you know sometimes the reader would have said it should’ve ended this way or this should end that way. For example like if it was from another person’s point of view; let’s say the Dad; the story would be a lot different because it is in his point of view, not Willy’s anymore. So like I said the Point of View Piece (War comes to Willy Freeman) you can only see one side of an event in the book you are forced to see this one side, unless of course you were to create your own Point of view.

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