Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Prediction to the end of Maximum Ride #5

Author’s note: This essay’s purpose is to improve my prediction score in Language Arts

Maximum Ride is a series of books about a couple of kids who were genetic experiments that were infused with Avian DNA, therefore giving them wings. They are: Max, the eldest of the flock and the leader; Fang, another elder part of the flock; Iggy, He is blind, but he has another sense thanks to his blindness, he can sense where people are at; Gazzy, he is second youngest of the Flock, he has… digestive flaws; Nudge, she has a weird ability to control technology when touching a computer, T.V. etc.; Finally there is Angel. She is the youngest of the Flock, she has an ability to read minds, sense people’s presences, and is also Gazzy’s Biological sister.

What’s the plot that occurs in Maximum Ride #5 In this book throughout the series, The “Original Max” finds her clone leading the Flock, Angel has known the entire time, but hasn’t bothered to speak up about it. Jeb, Max’s creator has taken her for Interrogation. She pretends to die, so when they open the door to see what was wrong, she jumps out the window, and flies as fast as she can to the flock to warn them about what’s going on. As she is flying away she can still smell them from her position, about a quarter mile away. She discovers that it is a new ability that she just obtained
The imposter, known as “The new Max” sets up a Trap for the flock, by bringing them to a room where Ari, an Eraser, has come to take care of the flock. Then the Old max shows up, it turns out Jeb was there expecting the Old max to show up. Then both Max’s have at each-other. The Old max pins down the other one and then she starts choking her. Just as she is running out of air, the old max lets go. Gazzy comes up and says duck. Boom, the building explodes above them. Then they are on their way, flying away.

The Prediction is quite interesting in my opinion. So Max and the others have found a Cliffside to camp at tonight. Max and Fang leave to talk leaving the flock watched by a Blind person. Then they get attacked by a eraser, but Angel didn’t sense them coming. Gazzy shoves a explosive in its mouth. It detonates. It turns out to be a Robot. They don’t have thoughts. Nudge looks up and sees a swarm of erasers headed right for them. Max and Fang head south, when they end up in Arizona, to see Dr. Martinez, known as Ella, their caretaker.

When the two head back they find the flock missing. So they go rescue them. It turns out when the flock was captured Angel wasn’t with them. They saw her with Jeb. She looks suspicious. When Max and Fang show up they go all out, but stop because the se the “New Erasers” not attacking, then angel shows up, she does her Telekinesis to have Max become Unconscious. When she wakes up, she sees everyone in medical beds. It turns out they are in the school. Jeb enters the room and says they were dreaming, put in a state where everyone was in a Virtual world. They were still genetic experiments. The whole dream everything was a experiment all in one. This concludes my Prediction piece about one of the Maximum Ride novels issue #5

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