Friday, February 4, 2011

Deep Waters Essay

Jackson Wolf
Language arts
Deep Waters Essay

Everyone has fears. Fears such as Spiders, Death, Heights, and the dark. In the story Deep Waters, we’ll be looking at the Fear of Drowning. It is a very scary thing, according to the main character that is. People die by drowning. And that’s what scares me too. From the story Deep Waters, we’ll be talking about the story itself.

(This paragraph, although will be different. So in this paragraph, I will be referring to the story as a fiction. So in this paragraph, I will be describing the story as a comedy) First, the plotline for Deep Waters, It matches very closely to the plotline of Comedy. First in the comedy plotline, normal everyday life: The story starts out when William is at the YMCA, as usual. Then he explains how the incident happened when he drowned at the YMCA.

That would match with the event that’s next in the plotline. Then he describes what happened. He explains how he was pushed in by a teenager. Then it tells him how he’s doing now and to now forget his fears.(Now, in this paragraph, I’m referring to it as the actual thing, as I should have) Now, the story. In this story, William talks to us about a specific incident at the YMCA. It started out as a fear. Then it came real. Like me. Once I was afraid of spiders. I saw them in my dreams. Then I woke up to one on my bed! It was very scary. Anyways, then he explains how it happened and then happened next.
Now, he’s doing just fine today, swimming. Overcoming his fear, and now he loves to swim. Isn’t it odd how he is scared of swimming? Then he overcomes his fear of swimming, and now swimming is his main thing. And the lesson learned here is that never be afraid to do something your scared of, or something similar to that

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