Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day

Snow Days, the best days for a child ages from a preschooler, to a senior in high school. They give us a break from school due to too much snow. Apparently that's what will happen on Feb. 2rd, 20011. When we get a snow day, we will relax,we will have fun, WE WILL LIVE.
BREAKING NEWS!: I have just received word that school will end 15 min. early. HO-AH. Thanks Super-Intendant. We students like you for that. What he is saying basically, is have fun on your break kids. Yea you students like him for what he did. I know it. And Now Sports.............

P.S. If tomorrow isn't a snow day, I WILL SUE (No I'm just kidding, but please. Tomorrow must be a snow day).

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