Wednesday, February 22, 2012


A Character Development Piece

Author’s Note: This piece’s purpose is to raise my score in Character Description

The Newberry award winning book The Giver is about a young boy whose life changes as he is assigned as reciever duty. When he is assigned to his first day, he meets the old receiver, who is referred to now as The Giver But what is it that makes Jonas the most important character in the book. In the story The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas becomes the important character by affecting other people's lives of his community.

An important event leading up to his important role, was their assigning of Jobs. On the day Jonas was a “Twelve” they were assigned duties. It was organized by numbers, when your number is called, you will be assigned a job. But when Jonas’s number was skipped, he was confused, very. Then at the end of the assigning she called up Jonas. He was then surprisingly given the role of the new Receiver. For 10 years they’ve been looking, and they have finally found the true new Receiver.

Prior to his quest on color, feeling, and music, he met the giver. The Giver could see color through memories of freedom, pain and hunger. And since then Jonas was the receiver, it was The Giver’s job to give Jonas those memories and to see that color, which was an important event, because then he started affecting the lives of the community. Like his family. For example, when Jonas felt “Love” he asked his parents and they were surprised. It was so general they said.

Finally, the most probably the most affecting event which led Jonas to his quest on color and freedom plus pain, also affecting the lives of everyone in Jonas’s hometown, he leaves his hometown, because of 2 things: He sought out an idea to find the true colors, sound and feeling. Also because of the fact that his father, was the person to kill a newborn baby, which had Jonas scared.

So now Jonas, scared and alone, oh who knows where he is, missing, still out on his quest. Now still an important character, but later only a memory. That, is how In the story The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas becomes an important character by how he affecting other people's lives of his community.

Creative Piece

Jackson Wolf


Language Arts

Chapter 24

Author’s note: This is an essay about the continued ending in The Giver. The purpose of this essay is showing my creativity in a creative piece

Jonas woke to the sound of crying, looking over he sees his little brother Gabriel screaming in pain as his fingers, were black. Jonas encountered this feeling when he sleds down the hill back when he was at The Giver’s side. He missed those days. Instinctively he grabbed Gabriel and hugged him close for warmth, he put his hands on the young child’s hands, but Gabriel screamed louder. If Jonas didn’t do something, little Gabriel would lose his hands.

He turned the boy onto his back and transmitted a last piece of memory of freedom, relaxation, and warmth, in a field on a nice summer day. Gabriel calmed, and as soon as he did, Jonas got up with Gabriel in his arms, putting him in the back of the bicycle, Jonas in the front, and pedaled. Pedaled as fast as he could; he remembered the forest, where he saw the deer and that small odd bushy tailed creature, he then went past, stopping at a town, a very large city. Gabriel was brought in to an abandoned building. Where, the crying was now a weep. Sunset, everyone was tired, Gabriel asleep, but Jonas. Looking at the stars, Jonas thinking to himself, “I miss my mom, my father, and my life. I am on the run, from what used to be my home, but now it is my sworn enemy” He looked over to his left, at Gabriel, sound asleep, sucking his black thumb. “Good night, Gabe”.

The Giver was worried, sitting on the leather couch on the Chief Elder’s office. He wasn’t so sure about what they would say to him. Would they understand him, being through 2 receiver releases, one, presumed dead, and the other, of which is now missing, Jonas, his most memorable student. The Giver had a tear out of his eye. Remembering his final memory of him, before he went out on his quest, The Giver then saw the Chief come out of his office. He handed him back his release form, pulled out a stamp, and slammed it onto the form.

It said in bright red,


Friday, February 10, 2012

"Quote" from the Story Piece

Jackson Wolf


Language Arts

Quote From “The Giver”

Author's note: This Piece is focused on retelling a story quote in the book "The Giver"

The Giver is about a young boy named Jonah who is chosen to be the next receiver, who now is a “receiver-in-training” who is being taught by the previous receiver, but now there is a new receiver, the original receiver is now known is The Giver who teaches the young Jonah to escape his world of nothing but gray and black shades into seeing true color through The Giver via memories throughout hunger, freedom, and pain.

"Not everyone should be chosen for Freedom"

That quote is basically the plot of the entire book. Not everyone can see color, or “Plainness”, nor does The Giver can or want to have everyone to be able to see color because everything would be in chaos to have “Freedom” throughout their entire life. Like Jonah joked about having people being able to pick their own jobs, otherwise like the Giver said, those jobs will be in the hands of others that could not handle the job. But if someone selected for you you’d be able to handle and concentrate rather than goofing off or something.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

ODST Piece

Jackson Wolf


Language Arts


The Life of an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper

Authors Note: This Piece’s purpose is to fix my goal in paragraph organization and to score a 9 or higher in Introductions

My name is Thom, short for Thomas. In my opinion, Thomas is a stupid name for a Soldier in the UNSC. I’m stationed in the Frigate Midnight Midlothian. I have been to many battles, and this has been far the worst. Originally we were sent on a mission dropped to Planet Reach to stop an Insurrectionist take over in the City of New Alexandria. My squad and I were in TRAXUS Tower, a shipping company; we were on the second floor. It was at 0600 it started. We saw the Insurrectionists. Running. We told them to stop. They kept running, they shot at us. We dove for cover. They didn’t stop though. We saw one of the men look back.

And then, plasma crossed the air in front of me as it hit the man who was running. “Wait…,” I thought “No, not on reach”. “COVENANT!” The sergeant yelled. I looked from cover, and I saw them. A Shangheli or we call them, Elites. Then we saw two Jackals. “Crap” I said to myself. This Planet was the only other Colony we had other than Earth left. We tried so hard to keep this place in secret. I knew this day were to come. We all knew. I remember, my squad being obliterated. I and my good friend Buck were the only survivors.

Then we ran outside, we then saw the chaos as if what I went through was nothing. There was a Covenant Super Carrier outside, along with Covenant Corvettes and Frigates. We then met up with an EVAC squad to get civilians out of the city. We saw Covenant Dropships, we call ‘em Phantoms, fly over our heads. We fought our way to a civilian transport vehicle. We waited as there was a Covenant Corvette over the city, if we were to take off then, we would have no chance of escaping.

I can recall the impatient pilot in the other transport vehicle. The sergeant kept telling him not to take off, but he didn’t listen. He took off, I thought he was going to make it, but then I saw the huge plasma projectile headed straight for him. Impact. “We’re hit! We’re going down!” I watched as I could do nothing, it landed in the lake. Then I heard a message from the Pilot, “Sergeant Major, the Covenant are knocking on the air bay door, I got 600 souls on board I need to take off-“ “Negative” He interrupted “That Corvette is still up there, we got a Spartan here to buy you some time with some anti-air batteries”.

My friend exclaimed, “A Spartan?! Man, are we lucky!” Spartans are the Super Soldiers of today, said to have made entire Militia Groups disappear. They have taken Hijacked Covenant Cruisers, Corvettes, all by themselves. A minute ticked off my mission clock, then the Pilot said again, “Sergeant Major the Covenant are almost through my door-““Steady Echo 2-3” “Spartan I need that last missile battery online” A full second later he reported into the COMM. “That’s It! Battery is Primed” he exclaimed “Now get up there and fire those missiles” I was getting worried when the pilot started panicking “THE COVENANT ARE ALMOST THROUGH MY DOOR” “Steady Echo 2-3, prime those engines and get ready, you only get one shot at this!” “That’s it! THEY’VE BREACHED THE LANDING BAY” I thought to myself Crap, we’re dead. Then I heard the Spartan’s voice. “The missiles are fired! Go Now!” I was thrown to the back of the transport as we went full speed. I then climbed back up to my seat. I remember finally speaking into the COMM, “Thanks Spartan, you saved a lot of lives today" And now I’m here, still watching through the blackness of distant space, hoping that the worst will be over.