Tuesday, February 7, 2012

ODST Piece

Jackson Wolf


Language Arts


The Life of an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper

Authors Note: This Piece’s purpose is to fix my goal in paragraph organization and to score a 9 or higher in Introductions

My name is Thom, short for Thomas. In my opinion, Thomas is a stupid name for a Soldier in the UNSC. I’m stationed in the Frigate Midnight Midlothian. I have been to many battles, and this has been far the worst. Originally we were sent on a mission dropped to Planet Reach to stop an Insurrectionist take over in the City of New Alexandria. My squad and I were in TRAXUS Tower, a shipping company; we were on the second floor. It was at 0600 it started. We saw the Insurrectionists. Running. We told them to stop. They kept running, they shot at us. We dove for cover. They didn’t stop though. We saw one of the men look back.

And then, plasma crossed the air in front of me as it hit the man who was running. “Wait…,” I thought “No, not on reach”. “COVENANT!” The sergeant yelled. I looked from cover, and I saw them. A Shangheli or we call them, Elites. Then we saw two Jackals. “Crap” I said to myself. This Planet was the only other Colony we had other than Earth left. We tried so hard to keep this place in secret. I knew this day were to come. We all knew. I remember, my squad being obliterated. I and my good friend Buck were the only survivors.

Then we ran outside, we then saw the chaos as if what I went through was nothing. There was a Covenant Super Carrier outside, along with Covenant Corvettes and Frigates. We then met up with an EVAC squad to get civilians out of the city. We saw Covenant Dropships, we call ‘em Phantoms, fly over our heads. We fought our way to a civilian transport vehicle. We waited as there was a Covenant Corvette over the city, if we were to take off then, we would have no chance of escaping.

I can recall the impatient pilot in the other transport vehicle. The sergeant kept telling him not to take off, but he didn’t listen. He took off, I thought he was going to make it, but then I saw the huge plasma projectile headed straight for him. Impact. “We’re hit! We’re going down!” I watched as I could do nothing, it landed in the lake. Then I heard a message from the Pilot, “Sergeant Major, the Covenant are knocking on the air bay door, I got 600 souls on board I need to take off-“ “Negative” He interrupted “That Corvette is still up there, we got a Spartan here to buy you some time with some anti-air batteries”.

My friend exclaimed, “A Spartan?! Man, are we lucky!” Spartans are the Super Soldiers of today, said to have made entire Militia Groups disappear. They have taken Hijacked Covenant Cruisers, Corvettes, all by themselves. A minute ticked off my mission clock, then the Pilot said again, “Sergeant Major the Covenant are almost through my door-““Steady Echo 2-3” “Spartan I need that last missile battery online” A full second later he reported into the COMM. “That’s It! Battery is Primed” he exclaimed “Now get up there and fire those missiles” I was getting worried when the pilot started panicking “THE COVENANT ARE ALMOST THROUGH MY DOOR” “Steady Echo 2-3, prime those engines and get ready, you only get one shot at this!” “That’s it! THEY’VE BREACHED THE LANDING BAY” I thought to myself Crap, we’re dead. Then I heard the Spartan’s voice. “The missiles are fired! Go Now!” I was thrown to the back of the transport as we went full speed. I then climbed back up to my seat. I remember finally speaking into the COMM, “Thanks Spartan, you saved a lot of lives today" And now I’m here, still watching through the blackness of distant space, hoping that the worst will be over.

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