Monday, February 6, 2012

Speeches for Book Groups

Jackson Wolf


Language Arts

Prediction “Speech”

In the book, The Giver it is about a teenager named Jonah. He was trained at a school, but suddenly during when they were being assigned jobs, his life changes. He is chosen to be the next Receiver. When he starts his job, he meets the old Receiver aka the giver, and he looked quite old. But actually he was younger than he looks. The boy starts to follow the old receiver’s path who is the giver. The Giver teaches Jonah in the ways of t=him through memories and pain. That is the point in the book I am at currently, but I have a prediction to what might happen. This is where my supporting theory is. Earlier when he was given the receiver duty, he was given 7 rules.

This is where my supporting theory is. Jonah might grow suddenly old of his job wants to go see his friends again.He runs away, escapes from his prison. He couldn’t take it anymore, then what if someone else is chosen to be the Receiver. And then Jonah is like a side story. Like the book will then tell two stories, the current receiver, and the old receiver, aka Jonah. Then The Giver thinks he could turn the boy back. Bring him to his senses. Finally The Giver, found Jonah and then told him what has been going on, how everything has been in chaos, who then influences Jonah to go back, and retake his spot

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