Wednesday, February 22, 2012


A Character Development Piece

Author’s Note: This piece’s purpose is to raise my score in Character Description

The Newberry award winning book The Giver is about a young boy whose life changes as he is assigned as reciever duty. When he is assigned to his first day, he meets the old receiver, who is referred to now as The Giver But what is it that makes Jonas the most important character in the book. In the story The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas becomes the important character by affecting other people's lives of his community.

An important event leading up to his important role, was their assigning of Jobs. On the day Jonas was a “Twelve” they were assigned duties. It was organized by numbers, when your number is called, you will be assigned a job. But when Jonas’s number was skipped, he was confused, very. Then at the end of the assigning she called up Jonas. He was then surprisingly given the role of the new Receiver. For 10 years they’ve been looking, and they have finally found the true new Receiver.

Prior to his quest on color, feeling, and music, he met the giver. The Giver could see color through memories of freedom, pain and hunger. And since then Jonas was the receiver, it was The Giver’s job to give Jonas those memories and to see that color, which was an important event, because then he started affecting the lives of the community. Like his family. For example, when Jonas felt “Love” he asked his parents and they were surprised. It was so general they said.

Finally, the most probably the most affecting event which led Jonas to his quest on color and freedom plus pain, also affecting the lives of everyone in Jonas’s hometown, he leaves his hometown, because of 2 things: He sought out an idea to find the true colors, sound and feeling. Also because of the fact that his father, was the person to kill a newborn baby, which had Jonas scared.

So now Jonas, scared and alone, oh who knows where he is, missing, still out on his quest. Now still an important character, but later only a memory. That, is how In the story The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas becomes an important character by how he affecting other people's lives of his community.


  1. Good piece, but the conclusion could be a little stronger.

  2. Good piece, but the conclusion could be a little stronger.

  3. Good piece. Conclusion could be better.
