Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Creative Piece

Jackson Wolf


Language Arts

Chapter 24

Author’s note: This is an essay about the continued ending in The Giver. The purpose of this essay is showing my creativity in a creative piece

Jonas woke to the sound of crying, looking over he sees his little brother Gabriel screaming in pain as his fingers, were black. Jonas encountered this feeling when he sleds down the hill back when he was at The Giver’s side. He missed those days. Instinctively he grabbed Gabriel and hugged him close for warmth, he put his hands on the young child’s hands, but Gabriel screamed louder. If Jonas didn’t do something, little Gabriel would lose his hands.

He turned the boy onto his back and transmitted a last piece of memory of freedom, relaxation, and warmth, in a field on a nice summer day. Gabriel calmed, and as soon as he did, Jonas got up with Gabriel in his arms, putting him in the back of the bicycle, Jonas in the front, and pedaled. Pedaled as fast as he could; he remembered the forest, where he saw the deer and that small odd bushy tailed creature, he then went past, stopping at a town, a very large city. Gabriel was brought in to an abandoned building. Where, the crying was now a weep. Sunset, everyone was tired, Gabriel asleep, but Jonas. Looking at the stars, Jonas thinking to himself, “I miss my mom, my father, and my life. I am on the run, from what used to be my home, but now it is my sworn enemy” He looked over to his left, at Gabriel, sound asleep, sucking his black thumb. “Good night, Gabe”.

The Giver was worried, sitting on the leather couch on the Chief Elder’s office. He wasn’t so sure about what they would say to him. Would they understand him, being through 2 receiver releases, one, presumed dead, and the other, of which is now missing, Jonas, his most memorable student. The Giver had a tear out of his eye. Remembering his final memory of him, before he went out on his quest, The Giver then saw the Chief come out of his office. He handed him back his release form, pulled out a stamp, and slammed it onto the form.

It said in bright red,


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